Finding the right fit for your feet is simple. Take a look at the graphics and descriptions below to find The Perfect Insole for you.
WET-FIT TEST: to take a Wet-Fit test - in a sitting position, dip the bottom of your foot (heel to toes) in a shallow pan of water. Then place your wet foot on a blank sheet of paper or dry smooth area of concrete. This will give you the outline of your foot in an unloaded position (without your body weight). Once you can see the outline of your foot imprint, refer to our company logo or the descriptions below to determine the arch height for your perfect fit.
Low Medial Arch
If you place your feet on the floor in a sitting position and the inside of your feet touch the floor, you will need the Low Arch Height. Contrary to popular belief, flat feet still need some support to feel total comfort.
If you’ve always been able to wear a pair of shoes or boots off the shelf without any after-market insoles, yet your feet are tired at the end of the day, try the Medium Degree.
If you’ve always reached for an over-the-counter insole to enhance your new pair of shoes because you know the shoe itself doesn’t feel/fit quite right, try the High Degree.
If you’ve never been satisfied with the fit/feel of a new pair of shoes and have even consulted a podiatrist for a custom fit orthotic, try the Extreme Degree. If you place your feet on the floor in a sitting position and the middle section of your foot doesn’t touch the floor at all you have extreme arches.